Piles or Hemorrhoids - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment Everything You Need To Know

Published Date : 02-12-2022
Piles Treatment - Anti Piles Complete Resolution

Everything you need to know about ayurvedic permanent treatment of piles

There are some ailments which don’t just cause discomfort and pain, but are downright embarrassing. Piles is one of the latter which is not only a serious ailment in itself, but also causes embarrassment to the patient.

Piles is the common term used to describe haemorrhoids. These haemorrhoids are swollen up blood vessels in the rectum and lower anus. This ailment may seem simple but it is not so, because the haemorrhoids can be itchy, painful and may even bleed.

In fact, in some patients who experience excessive bleeding may develop anaemia because of the loss of excessive blood. Hence if you think you have piles then you should work towards getting help for this ailment.

Usually people feel embarrassed to discuss this problem even with a doctor. However, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. This is because if the haemorrhoids develop thrombosis they can be excessively harmful and can cause serious problems.

Haemorrhoids can cause the surrounding tissues to become swollen. Not only this, but sometimes the piles can progress to prolapsed haemorrhoids which can develop blood clots. This condition is called thrombosis of the piles and it should be treated immediately because it may lead to a necessity of major surgery.

Different Types of Piles

There are three types of haemorrhoids which are as follows:

Internal piles – these haemorrhoids are inside the rectum and cannot be seen outside.

Prolapsed haemorrhoids – these are a painful and more severe form of internal haemorrhoids. These are the blood vessels that push through the rectum and hanogut of the anus.

This happens especially immediately after the patient passes stool. In this situation your doctor needs to understand the fact that the sphincter muscles of the anus may strangulate the blood vessels hanging outside. This is a severe and serious condition which should be addressed immediately.

External haemorrhoids – these are like small haemorrhages under the skin of the anus and around it. They feel like hard lumps and can cause pain, bleeding and other discomforts.

Anal fissures – these fissures are caused when the skin of the anus is torn near its exit. This tearing of the skin can be caused by passing hard stools or during diarrhoea due to the strong pressure of stools. These fissures can cause severe pain because the skin of the anus has sensory nerves which send pain signals to the brain.

Anal fistula – these are like tunnels created between the rectum and the anus. Abscesses can develop around the anus. These abscesses are filled with pus and they can turn into anal fistula if they become chronic.

Symptoms of piles

The worst thing about many cases of piles is that the symptoms are either not visible or unclear. However, the most common symptoms of piles is bleeding, both while passing stools or otherwise.

Then again there is itching and pain in more severe cases. Along with this if you experience painful lumps around the anus, itching and discomfort around the anus discomfort while passing stools, then it is definitely a case of piles.

  • If untreated piles can lead to more serious conditions:
  • Excessive bleeding from the anus which can lead to severe anaemia
  • Infections
  • Stool incontinence
  • Fistula in the anus
  • Strangulated haemorrhoids mentioned above

Causes of piles

If you are still finding it difficult to understand what piles or haemorrhoids are all about, then simply think of varicose veins. Piles is actually varicose veins occurring in the rectum and anus.

As mentioned earlier, this severe ailment can be caused due to pressure in the rectum and anus. The veins around the lower rectum and anus will be stretched and become swollen as a result of the stress. This pressure on the rectum and anus is caused due to chronic constipation or diarrhoea, lifting heavy weights or straining while passing stools.

  • Many women develop piles during pregnancy because in this condition there is excessive pressure on the pelvis.
  • The risk of this ailment increases after 50 years of age.
  • Excessive weight puts pressure on the pelvis and can cause piles
  • A diet low in fibre can cause constipation leading to piles

Ayurveda for piles treatment

If you have piles and opt for the allopathic treatment of the problem, you will be prescribed pain killers for the pain. The doctor may also give you stool softeners, or prescribe corticosteroids to reduce the pain and inflammation.

However these methods are temporary and have no way to get rid of the ailment. If the pain is severe and there is excessive bleeding, then surgery could be the only option. There are different types of surgery like banding, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation and a few others.

These are not only painful but can also lead to complications. If the surgery is botched up due to some reason then you will end up with more severe consequences. Sometimes the outside of the haemorrhoids are removed leaving their roots behind which can turn into fistula which is very severe.

This is the reason that people are opting for alternative treatment methods. Ayurveda is the most effective treatment for piles of any type. This treatment is done with topical application of herbal and mineral medicines for seven days. Some medicines are also administered orally for seven more days.

The entire procedure takes only 15 days at the end of which the wart-like haemorrhoids fall off including their roots inside the body. This will give you permanent relief from piles if you also include some dietary and lifestyle changes:

  • You should consume more fibre and keep your body well hydrated. This will make the stools soft and you will not have to strain while passing them
  • Do not strain while passing stools or lift very heavy weights
  • Keep your weight under control and include exercise in your daily routine

In case you cannot immediately spare time for 15 days, then the anti-piles Ayurveda doctors will give you alternative treatments. These are known as ‘anti-piles long relief’ and ‘anti-piles blood control’. If you want to get rid of piles and keep it away, then you should opt for anti-piles Ayurveda treatment.